Damien Abreu, MD, PhD

Damien Abreu MD PhDDamien Abreu, MD, PhD, is a Chief Dermatology Resident at Washington University in St Louis, where he earned both his MD and PhD in Molecular Genetics and Genomics. He has a longstanding interest in understanding the molecular basis of disease, with a special focus on genotype-phenotype correlations, dating back to his undergraduate training at Yale University and subsequent post-baccalaureate research fellowship at the National Human Genome Research Institute in the lab of Dr. Francis Collins. Dr. Abreu’s clinical and research interests revolve around leveraging clinicopathologic correlations of inflammatory dermatoses to better guide diagnosis and therapeutic selection, particularly in the context of hidradenitis suppurativa, connective tissue disorders and hair loss disorders. He is excited to return to Maryland for his dermatopathology fellowship training at Johns Hopkins University in 2025-2026.