Raynaud’s Phenomenon- Friday Pop Quiz 10/9
Raynaud's phenomenon This 34-year-old woman reports a long history of Raynaud's phenomenon. The only medication she takes is albuterol as needed for exercise-induced asthma. On exam, you notice splinter hemorrhages of the fingernails as well as the pictured findings. Which of the following antibodies is LEAST likely to be positive in this woman? A. Anti-nuclear B. Anti-histone C. Anti-B2 glycoprotein D …
Raynaud's phenomenon
Skin Lesions – Friday Pop Quiz 9/25
Buttonhole sign Which of the following findings can be elicited during examination of these widespread skin lesions? A. Buttonhole sign B. Dimple sign C. Crowe's sign D. Darier's sign E. Pseudo-Darier's sign To find out the correct answer and read the explanation, click here.  Brought to you by our brand partner Derm In-Review.  A product of SanovaWorks. …
Buttonhole sign
JDD September Issue Highlights
Below are the issue highlights for the September issue of the JDD. Randomized, Double-Blinded, Split-Face Study Comparing the Efficacy and Tolerability of Two Topical Products in Melasma compares a HQ-free, retinol-free cosmetic topical brightener and HQ 4% in patients with skin types III-VI. Complication of Soft Tissue Fillers: Prevention and Management Review highlights the various advers …