Metastatic Melanoma – Friday Pop Quiz 9/15/2023
A 68-year-old man presents to the office for pruritic lesions on his trunk. He recently was initiated on a medication for metastatic melanoma. Which of the following is the most appropriate medication for the management of this patient? A. Dupilumab B. Etanercept C. Oral terbinafine D. Topical corticosteroid E. Topical ketoconazole To find out the correct answer and read the ex …
Nail Tumors – Friday Pop Quiz 9/8/2023
A 40-year-old female began to develop tumors in childhood and continued to form them in adulthood. The tumors arose from the proximal or lateral nail fold and occurred most commonly around the toenails. She developed subungual tumors that originated under the nail plate and longitudinal red streaks with proximal narrowing in the fingernails. Over time, the lesions led to longitudinal grooving …
Circumferential Lesions – Friday Pop Quiz 9/1/2023
A patient presents with chronic swelling of the lower extremities and circumferential lesions on both lower legs of several years duration. The patient's legs are now as shown in the image. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis? A. Lipodermatosclerosis B. Elephantiasis nostras verrucosa C. Deep fungal infection D. Podoconiosis E. Pigmented purpuric dermatosis To f …
Friday Pop Quiz 8/25/2023
This is limited to the patient's skin and hair. What is the mutation in this condition? A. PAX3 B. C-KIT C. MITF D. Endothelin-3 E. NEMO To find out the correct answer and read the explanation, click here.    Brought to you by our brand partner  …