Cosmetic Procedures in Patients with Skin of Color: Cultural, Structural, and Biological Nuances
cosmetic proceduresIn dermatology, providing safe and effective cosmetic treatments for patients with skin of color requires a deep understanding of their unique needs and challenges. We are fortunate to have experts like Dr. Cheryl Burgess, founder of the Center for Dermatology and Dermatologic Surgery, who has dedicated her career to advancing cosmetic dermatology for diverse populations. In her compelling and inf …
cosmetic procedures
Best Practices for Using Lasers & Energy-Based Devices to Safely Treat Pigmentary Disorders
lasersAt the 2024 Pigmentary Disorder Exchange Symposium, Dr. Arielle Kauvar, an internationally renowned board-certified dermatologist, laser surgeon, and Mohs surgeon, delivered a lecture focused on best practices for safely treating pigmentary disorders using lasers and energy-based devices, particularly in skin of color. If you missed the lecture, do not fret! This summary reviews the key takeaways …
Using Superficial & Medium Depth Peels for Pigmentary Disorders
chemical peelsChemical peels are an underutilized modality that can provide significant benefits, according to Dr. Seaver L. Soon, immediate past president of the International Peeling Society and chair of the International Peeling Society-USA. Dr. Soon shared what dermatology clinicians should know about using superficial and medium depth chemical peels for pigmentary disorders in an interview with Next Steps …
chemical peels
Using Cosmeceuticals for Pigmentary Disorders | Expert Insights from Dr. Heather Woolery-Lloyd
CosmeceuticalsThe many alternatives to hydroquinone make this an exciting time for using cosmeceuticals to treat pigmentary disorders, according to Dr. Heather Woolery-Lloyd, director of the Skin of Color Division at the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine’s Dr. Phillip Frost Department of Dermatology and Cutaneous Surgery. In an interview with Next Steps in Derm, in partnership with Pigmentary Diso …
Patient Buzz Series: Salmon Sperm Facials
salmon sperm facialsBeauty influencers are now recommending an unusual treatment for skin rejuvenation: salmon sperm facials. As noted in Newsweek, the treatment involves injecting polynucleotides, which are stretchy molecules taken from fish DNA. The injectable gel binds with water molecules, which firm and hydrate the skin, according to Dr. Gizem Seymenoglu, a facial aesthetics doctor in the U.K. The treatment repo …
salmon sperm facials