JDD Buzz Series | Sunscreen Practices & Preferences in Skin of Color Patients
sunscreen usageSunscreen use varies among different racial groups despite its scientifically proven benefits. A cross-sectional, questionnaire-based study in the June issue of the Journal of Drugs in Dermatology aims to understand the needs and challenges people with skin of color face when choosing and using sunscreen. I interviewed author Jared Jagdeo, MD, MS, associate professor of dermatology and director …
sunscreen usage
JDD Buzz Series | PIH Following Mohs Micrographic Surgery
pihMohs Micrographic Surgery effectively removes skin cancer while preserving healthy tissue. But what happens when the procedure that’s supposed to help maintain aesthetics leads to long-lasting and highly distressing cosmetic outcomes? That’s the focus of an observational study published in the May issue of the Journal of Drugs in Dermatology. Researchers looked at the factors that contribut …
JDD Buzz Series | Melasma in Men
melasmaTranexamic acid is one of the latest therapies for treating melasma, and one that’s most commonly prescribed for women. An editorial published in the April issue of the Journal of Drugs in Dermatology encourages dermatology clinicians to also consider the effect melasma has on men and to utilize tranexamic acid as a treatment option. I interviewed the authors, dermatologist and Mohs surgeon A …
JDD Buzz Series | Minoxidil for Scarring Alopecia: Is it Safe and Effective?
minoxidilTopical minoxidil and, more recently, low-dose oral minoxidil are often used to treat hair disorders. But are these treatments safe and effective for scarring alopecia? A scoping review published in the March issue of the Journal of Drugs in Dermatology sought to determine what research says about the use of these treatments for central centrifugal cicatricial alopecia, frontal fibrosing alopecia, …
JDD Buzz Series | Sensitive Skin: A Survey of Dermatology Resident Physicians’ Perspectives and Educational Exposures
sensitive skinDermatology residents want training in caring for sensitive skin, yet they aren’t receiving it, according to a study published in the February issue of the Journal of Drugs in Dermatology. The authors assert that this points to a gap in residency education as well as a lack of consensus about sensitive skin within dermatology. To find out more about residency education on sensitive skin, I in …
sensitive skin