Resident Corner

It’s Mnemonic Monday! | Metabolic Syndromes Associated with Trichorrhexis Nodosa
trichorrhexis nodosa (TN)On this Mnemonic Monday, we challenge you to remember metabolic syndromes associated with trichorrhexis nodosa (TN) of the hair with the following mnemonic: BLT Noodles B=Brooms, (e.g. frayed hair fibers with the appearance of two broomsticks pushed together in trichorrhexis nodosa) L=Low= helps remind you that this is associated with metabolic syndromes, with varying low or high leve …
trichorrhexis nodosa (TN)
It’s Mnemonic Monday! | Side Effects of Hedgehog Inhibitors Vismodegib and Sonidegib
hedgehog inhibitorsOn this Mnemonic Monday, we challenge you to remember the side effects of hedgehog inhibitors, vismodegib and sonidegib, with the following mnemonic: MAD Weight loss M=muscle spasm (72% of cases) A=alopecia (64% of cases) D= dysgeusia (55% of cases) Weight loss= weight loss (45% of cases) Click HERE to download or print your mnemonic card. Study More! Need a refresher on he …
hedgehog inhibitors
It’s Mnemonic Monday! | Interpolation Flaps
Interpolation FlapsOn this Mnemonic Monday, we challenge you to remember the types of interpolation flaps. Interpolation flaps are tissue importation flaps, which are staged, with pedicle division occurring 2-3 weeks after the initial flap placement, with the following mnemonic: Play Like My Retro Turntable P=paramedian forehead flap Supratrochlear artery axial fap L= lip switch flap Aka Abbe flap …
Interpolation Flaps
It’s Mnemonic Monday! | Stages of Wound Healing
WOUND HEALINGOn this Mnemonic Monday, we challenge you to remember the stages of wound healing: vascular phase (immediate), inflammatory phase (6h-10 days), proliferative phase (24hrs-14 days), wound contraction and remodeling (10days-1 year), with the following mnemonic: VIP Room V= vascular Formation of a fibrin plug I= inflammatory First 72hours= neutrophils, 3+ days= macrophages, 6+ days=lymphocytes, …
It’s Mnemonic Monday! | Minocycline-Induced Hyperpigmentation
Minocycline induced hyperpigmentationOn this Mnemonic Monday, we challenge you to remember 3 types of minocycline induced hyperpigmentation with the following mnemonic: I HAVE SCARS ON MY SHIN FROM THE SUN SCAR: Type I minocycline induced hyperpigmentation (discoloration in sites of prior inflammation or scars) SHIN: Type II minocycline induced hyperpigmentation (discoloration on the shins) SUN: Type III minocycline induced hyp …
Minocycline induced hyperpigmentation