Ask a Mentor Q&A Recap with Dr. Terrence Keaney
male aesthetic Dr. Terrance KeaneyOur Next Steps readers had the opportunity to ask Dr. Terrence Keaney questions on building a career in cosmetics, establishing a private practice, and the approach to the male aesthetic patient. See all his insightful answers below. How do you think men’s skincare needs are different than women?  What is most common skincare concern that you see in your male patients? What do you think is the …
male aesthetic Dr. Terrance Keaney
Vesicular Eruption – Friday Pop Quiz – 11/2/2018
vesicular eruptionYou are called to evaluate a patient with a new onset vesicular eruption that developed 7 days after starting intravenous vancomycin. At what level of the dermoepidermal  junction is the target antigen found?               A). Lamina lucida B.) Lamina densa C.) Sublamina densa D.) Basal keratinocyte E.) Lamina reticularis &n …
vesicular eruption
Management of Seborrheic Keratoses with Dr. Adam Friedman
Seborrheic KeratosesA Recap of the JDD October Podcast Seborrheic keratoses (SKs), though harmless, are one of the most common patient concerns.  Their aesthetic impact makes them one of the most common dermatologic complaints, however treatment options are limited.  In this special of the JDD podcast series, Dr. Adam Friedman discusses his group’s article “Managing Seborrheic Keratosis: Evolving Strategies an …
Seborrheic Keratoses
A Primer on Chemical Peels – Part II
Chemical PeelsIn Part II of our primer, we’ll focus on technique and aftercare.  In case you missed it, view Part I of the series where we covered the basics of chemical peels. Anesthesia Choice of anesthetic will likely depend on the depth of the peel and patient preference.  Superficial peels will likely cause only minor burning and stinging and usually require no anesthetic.  Topical anesthetics can …
Chemical Peels
Dermatology Media Relations: When to Hire an Agency
media relations and press relations in dermatology and SanovaWorksDermatology Media Relations - Part II So you want to participate in media articles as a means of growing your dermatology practice. Time to call the professionals, right? Not necessarily. Here are three situations when to use a media relations agency and four tactics that you can do on your own. When to use an agency: You’re in a large media market. If you’re in a large metro area, you wil …
media relations and press relations in dermatology and SanovaWorks