Financial Matters Part 1 – Repaying Loans
loansA comprehensive understanding of the repayment process for paying back student loans is essential in building a solid financial foundation early on. It’s important to remember that student loans are real loans, just like mortgages on your house or a loan for your car. You must repay student loans even if financial circumstances become difficult or you’re facing unexpected hardships. Unfortunat …
Weighing Your Values: Time vs Money
Time vs MoneyNo one I know decided to become a physician to be rich or famous. It’s a calling and a passion and we’re fighting hard to keep it that way. Being a dermatologist is a little different than many other fields of medicine because we also have a subset of us that practice aesthetic medicine as part or all of our area of expertise. The draw to aesthetics, selling products and performing procedures …
Time vs Money
How do I start building my brand?
You are your own brand We asked Derm Authority to answer your burning questions on building your own brand and what lessons were learned in the first years of practice.  Read for expert answers below! Dear Derm Authority, Q: How do I start building my brand? Every successful brand has a creative personal logo, business card, website, or landing page at minimum, and social media accounts. These all need to be b …
You are your own brand
The Importance of Networking in Dermatology
networkingSo, you have made it. No longer a resident, you are now a rising star in one of the best fields of medicine. You are an overachiever and tireless perfectionist. But, you realize that now you have become a small fish in the big pond. What are some tactics that will help you become a big fish? Network… It’s vital to be self-determined, proactive and resourceful when networking. Unlike busines …
Tales From the Office: The Importance of “Electric-Lights”
electric-lightsAn elderly gentleman from our rural office presented for a routine skin exam. He was anxious to tell me about a recent acute illness. Seems it made quite an impression on him. With an inward resignation, I leaned back against the counter to listen as it was obvious he had to talk about his recent medical adventure a bit before settling in for the exam. He became quite animated while gesturing to h …