Finding a Mentor
Derm MentorPart 2 of 2 This is the second article in the two-part series about the five cardinal rules of finding a mentor. In part one, I discussed rules one and two: be honest and fearless. Read on to learn points three, four, and five which cover the importance of being open-minded, putting in the effort, and embracing the ‘now.’ 1. Be open-minded. Sure, you may have made a “future spouse …
Derm Mentor
Optimizing Patient Interaction
phraseology Part 1 of 2 phra·se·ol·o·gy [frāzēˈäləjē] (noun): a mode of expression, especially one characteristic of a particular speaker or writer. Now that I have been an attending dermatologist for more than five years, I have had the opportunity to reflect upon what I wish I would have known as a resident and as a new attending physician. In my attempt to provide unique new insight …
Two Things to Consider Before Joining a Practice
daniel zaghi mdAs someone who joined an established dermatology group, I am thankful for the advice I received prior to making the decision to do so. Whether you are joining an academic department, a large hospital group, or a private multi-provider group, there are a number of factors to consider. Here are two absolutely critical considerations: Colleagues Ask yourself if you want to work with these peopl …
daniel zaghi md
I Wish I Had Known: Optimizing Your Academic Career
career planning academicStarting a career in academic medicine can be confusing. Here are some tips for optimizing your career trajectory. 1. Get information about the academic promotions process. Most universities have a set of documentation requirements and it is helpful to collect them early. 2. Seek out a mentor outside of your division. Someone who has reached full professor status and can guide you through the pr …
career planning academic
How to Spot and Avoid Dealing with Difficult Cosmetic Patients
difficult cosmetic patient Many dermatologists enjoy seeing and treating cosmetic patients. There is the creative artistic aspect to treating these patients, as well as the fairly immediate improvement, minimal downtime and risk, and overall mostly happy patients who pay good money to look their best. However, a cosmetic patient who is not pleased with you or the results they achieved can give you gray hair, or worse, l …
difficult cosmetic patient