Acute Onset Linear Lichen Planus Pigmentosus of the Forehead: A Case Series
LPPINTRODUCTION Linear lichen planus pigmentosus (LPP) of the face is a rare acquired variant of lichen planus, with only a few cases published in the literature.1 It is an inflammatory condition with unknown etiology, characterized by blue-gray hyperpigmented macules, and tends to affect sun-exposed areas of the head and neck.1-4 The pathophysiology of linear LPP is poorly understood, though …
Patient Buzz Series: Skin Fasting
skincareSkin fasting -- the latest trend in caring for the skin – offers a “less is more” approach. The point is to periodically rest the skin from non-essential products as a way of rebalancing the skin’s pH. Skin fasting is also a way to determine which skincare products people actually need. After the rest period, those who are following the skin fasting approach slowly add products back in, an …
Valacyclovir Therapeutic Cheat Sheet
ValacyclovirHerpesviridae is a family of ubiquitous viral pathogens leading to a wide array of diseases in humans, and includes viruses such as herpes simplex virus 1 (HSV-1) and 2 (HSV-2), herpes/varicella zoster virus (VZV), Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), cytomegalovirus (CMV) and herpes viruses 6 (HHV-6), 7 (HHV-7) and 8 (HHV-8). Mucocutaneous herpetic infections are frequently encountered in dermatology, and s …
Treating Hyperpigmentation in Darker Skin Types: The Expert Weighs In
hyperpigmentationEssence recently posted an article on how to treat hyperpigmentation on melanated skin. What cosmetic ingredients make the most impact in treating hyperpigmentation in darker skin types? What are the challenges that skin of color poses when treating hyperpigmentation? For expert advice, I reached out to Miami dermatologist Heather Woolery-Lloyd, MD. She will address hyperpigmentation and other …
Complications from Dermal Fillers in Patients with Skin of Color
DERMAL FILLERSNext Steps in Derm, in partnership with Skin of Color Update, interviewed Dr. Cheryl Burgess, medical director of the Center for Dermatology in Washington, D.C., and an assistant clinical professor of dermatology at Georgetown University, Washington, D.C. Dr. Burgess explains the filler complications that are more common in patients with skin of color, and the questions you should ask before you …

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