Lip Lesions – Friday Pop Quiz 5/31/2024
          This 8-year-old patient is brought in by his father for the lesions pictured on the lips. The father tells you that the patient is healthy aside from an episode of intestinal intussuusception several months ago. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis? A. LEOPARD syndrome B. Carney complex C. Peutz-Jeghers syndrome D. Ba …
JDD Buzz Series | PIH Following Mohs Micrographic Surgery
pihMohs Micrographic Surgery effectively removes skin cancer while preserving healthy tissue. But what happens when the procedure that’s supposed to help maintain aesthetics leads to long-lasting and highly distressing cosmetic outcomes? That’s the focus of an observational study published in the May issue of the Journal of Drugs in Dermatology. Researchers looked at the factors that contribut …
Acne Scars: When and Why HA Filler Should Be Used
acne scarsHyaluronic acid filler is an effective and long-lasting treatment for acne scars, according to Dr. Robyn Siperstein, a dermatologist in Boca Raton and Boynton Beach, Fla. Next Steps in Derm, in partnership with ODAC Dermatology, Aesthetic & Surgical Conference, interviewed Dr. Siperstein, who says research shows HA filler can last as long as 10 years after injection. Watch as she outlines why …
acne scars
Friday Pop Quiz 5/24/2024
What is the genetic defect of this syndrome? A. ABCA12 gene B. Transglutaminase 1 (TGM1) C. GJB2 (connexin 26) gene D. Steroid sulfatase (STS) gene E. Profilaggrin gene To find out the correct answer and read the explanation, click here. …
Acne in Patients with Skin of Color: Medical & Procedural Treatment Strategies
acneThe 2023 Skin of Color Update in New York City featured a comprehensive discussion on the evolving landscape of treating acne, with a particular focus on medical and procedural approaches. Attendees had the unique opportunity to hear Dr. Valerie Callendar, professor of dermatology at Howard University College of Medicine in Washington, DC,  and Dr. Andrew Alexis, Professor of Clinical Dermatology …