I Wish I Had Known: How to Make the Most During Residency
make the most residencyHi! Good morning, I'm Naomi Dolly and I'm currently the fellow in Advanced Medical Dermatology at NYU Medical Center. I would like to talk to you today a little bit about your journey as a resident and some things that I [feel] that you should probably do or know while doing your residency. First of all, I know that I should congratulate you on becoming a resident. But just know that your jour …
make the most residency
5 Ways to Make Pediatric Patients Feel Comfortable
pediatric patient1. Use child-friendly language. A blood pressure check could be “giving the arm a hug.” A swab could be a “silly tickle test.” 2. Biopsy ideas: Apply topical lidocaine under occlusion for 15-20 minutes before injection. Use buffered lidocaine (1:10 ratio of sodium bicarbonate to lidocaine). Suggestions for distraction: infants, use sweet-ease® sugar syrup on a pacifier; for o …
pediatric patient
Key Points in Selecting an Electronic Medical Record (EMR)
EMR TabletPart 1 in a 2 part series One of the most important decisions in any practice is the choice of using an Electronic Medical Record (EMR). Implementing an EMR from the outset is imperative and will enable you to conserve precious office space. This should also be a natural transition from a training/hospital environment for most MDs, as you will have all of your lab results and patient information …
EMR Tablet
Spotlight On: Deborah S. Sarnoff, MD, FAAD, FACP
What made you decide on a career in dermatology? When I was 16 years old, I had a rash on my trunk, which baffled the pediatrician. When it wasn’t going away, they took me to see Dr. Alvin Friedman-Kien at NYU. From the door, he took one look and told me I had pityriasis rosea. I was fascinated by the sound of the long Latin name and I was hooked. From that moment on, I strived to get good gr …
Spotlight On: William W. Huang, MD, MPH, FAAD
What made you decide to pursue a career in dermatology? My path to dermatology (and medicine in general) was not direct. Shortly after my parents immigrated to this country, I was born in North Carolina. We grew up in humble circumstances. We did not have doctors in our family, nor did we see doctors due to a lack of access to medical care. Growing up, I knew I wanted to help people but did not …