Clinical Trials: Are They the Right Fit for You?
clinical trialsPart 2 in a 2 part series The practice of dermatology offers many avenues to expand one’s professional horizons and skills. One such area of sub-specialization is clinical research, namely pharmaceutical company-sponsored clinical trials. This article continues the discussion of some of the steps that a willing and interested physician can take to get involved with clinical trials. 1. Prepare …
clinical trials
Drug Development for the Practicing Dermatologist: Have the Best of Both Worlds
drug developmentPart 2 in a 2 part series. In medical school and residency, the industry side of medicine is not exactly a topic that gets paid much attention. A few years into my own private practice, the opportunity to learn the process of drug development would come to fruition. In the first article in this series, I discussed the importance of obtaining a patent and FDA approval. The next step is how to p …
drug development
I Wish I Had Known: The Importance of Life Outside of Residency
life residencyLife for much of my residency, I struggled to find the right balance between the formidable amount of reading expected of derm residents, and maintaining a healthy life outside of residency. In fact, this was the greatest source of stress for me as a resident. I wish I had known that derm residency is a marathon, not a sprint. So, as tempting as it may be to shoot for ridiculous amounts of study …
life residency
Drug Development for the Practicing Dermatologist: Have the Best of Both Worlds – Part 1 of 2
Part 1 in a 2 part series In medical school and residency, the industry side of medicine is not exactly a topic that gets paid much attention. Countless hours are spent memorizing pharmacology, but the process of how a drug actually makes the transition from bench to bedside is not part of the curriculum. A few years into my own private practice, the opportunity to learn the process of drug dev …
I Wish I Had Known: Residency
residency happyIn dermatology residency, my focus was, appropriately, on learning all that I could about dermatology so that I would pass my board exams and provide great care to my patients, in that order. These were necessary and important priorities, but retrospectively, I wish I had known: 1. Patients care that I care. First and foremost, each patient wants to be remembered, to feel special, to feel well c …
residency happy