JDD April Issue Highlights and Editor Picks
JDD logoBelow are the issue highlights and Editor Picks for the April issue of JDD! An Acne Survey from the World’s Largest Annual Gathering of Twins surveys a cohort of identical and fraternal twins to identify environmental factors that may influence acne severity. Dihydroxyacetone: A Review reviews the literature and widespread use of DHA as an ingredient in sunless tanning products. I …
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Practical Pearls in Cutaneous Fungal Infections and Onychomycosis – Part 1
Fungal Infection – Tinea ManuumPART 1   Dear Next Steps Readers, My name is Misty Eleryan, and I’m so glad to be one of the Content Contributors for Next Steps in Derm. In the upcoming weeks, I will be sharing a series of articles offering practical pearls from various lectures presented at ODAC 2018, along with original content. I am a 1st year Dermatology Resident at George Washington University School of Medici …
Fungal Infection – Tinea Manuum
Physician Burnout

PHYSICIAN BURNOUT Dr. Nancy Todes-Taylor from Australia presented a session at the Generational DermatologyTM Palm Springs Symposium titled, “Physician Burnout...The Next Chapter.” Her presentation was one of the most interesting and applicable lectures I have ever been to in my career. She is originally from New York, practiced in Northern California for many years, and currently lives and practices in …
Answer: Pop Quiz #2
Correct Answer:  5. Hepatitis C antibody Explanation: Porphyria cutanea tarda presents with vesicles and erosions with milia and scarring on sun-exposed skin, classically the dorsal hands. There is a deficiency in uroporphyrinogen decarboxylase (UD) and urine uroporphyrinogen is elevated. The most common associated conditions are Hepatitis C, HIV, iron overload states (hemochromatosi …
Up Close with Dr. Maritza Perez – A Fascinating New Study on the Aging Process Across Ethnic Variations
There are clearly differences in the aging process among various ethnic skin types but until now, we have only had an overall idea that these disparities exist. Now, for the first time, results of a scientific evaluation underwritten by Procter & Gamble Co. show that these phenotypic differences actually have a pathophysiologic and histologic basis. Dr. George Han had the pleasure of i …

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