Acne Considerations in Patients with Skin of Color
ACNENext Steps in Derm, in partnership with Skin of Color Update, interviewed Dr. Andrew Alexis, co-chair of Skin of Color Update, and vice-chair for diversity and inclusion for the Weill Cornell Medical College Department of Dermatology. Dr. Alexis points out that acne is the most common dermatologic condition for which patients with skin of color seek a dermatologist’s care. Hear why it’s impor …
Patient Buzz Series: Skin Smoothies
skin smoothiesThe skin smoothie is one of the latest skincare trends popularized on TikTok. Made famous by TikTok creator Amy K, skin smoothies involve mixing several skincare products and applying the mixture to the skin at the same time. The most popular combination on TikTok involves mixing petroleum jelly, moisturizing lotion, serum and self-tanning lotion. Users claim applying the products together leads t …
skin smoothies
Pruritic Eruption – Friday Pop Quiz 7/7/2023
Which of the following is the most appropriate treatment for this 32-year-old G2P1 woman with the pruritic eruption shown? A. Early delivery B. Phototherapy C. Systemic corticosteroids D. Topical corticosteroids E. Ursodeoxycholic acid To find out the correct answer and read the explanation, click here.    Brought to you by our brand partner  …
Tips for Treating Infraorbital Hollows
Infraorbital HollowsNext Steps in Derm, in partnership with ODAC Dermatology, Aesthetic & Surgical Conference, interviewed Dr. John Fezza, an oculoplastic surgeon. Watch as Dr. Fezza shares how to identify good candidates for infraorbital hollow or tear trough injections. Find out why the cheek is the most important area to treat first. Learn tips for treating to prevent bruising, and find out why Dr. Fezza neve …
Infraorbital Hollows
JDD July 2023 Issue Highlights | Special Focus: Bridging The Gap in Dermatology
dermatologyCheck out this month’s issue highlights straight from the JDD Editor’s desk: Assessing Implicit Bias in Dermatology analyses the results of a survey conducted with 220 dermatologists to determine the necessity for enhanced training and resources in order to support the increasingly diverse population. Modified Fitzpatrick Scale-Skin Color and Reactivity presents a new system that can hel …