acneiform lesions

The Many Faces of Rosacea | Part 2
rosaceaOur new series, "The Many Faces of", will showcase side-by-side images of some of the most commonly seen dermatology conditions in an array of skin tones and briefly highlight nuances in clinical presentation.  All images featured in the series are part of The Full Spectrum of Dermatology: A Diverse and Inclusive Atlas, a resource developed by co-editors Misty Eleryan, MD, MS, and Adam Friedman, …
The Many Faces of Rosacea | Part 1
the many faces of rosaceaOur new series, "The Many Faces of", will showcase side-by-side images of some of the most commonly seen dermatology conditions in an array of skin tones and briefly highlight nuances in clinical presentation.  All images featured in the series are part of The Full Spectrum of Dermatology: A Diverse and Inclusive Atlas, a resource developed by co-editors Misty Eleryan, MD, MS, and Adam Friedman, …
the many faces of rosacea
Alopecia – Friday Pop Quiz 4/23
alopecia A 38-year-old African American female presents with grouped follicular papules, acneiform lesions, indurated plaques and tumors which are most pronounced in the head and neck area (see image). The skin lesions are associated with alopecia and mucinorrhea. She has infiltrated plaques in both eyebrows and complains of severe pruritus. She has experienced frequent secondary bacterial infections w …