atopic derm

Acute Inflammation – Friday Pop Quiz 11/17/2023
Increased expression of which of the following is most associated with the patient’s condition? A. Interferon-gamma B. Interleukin-2 C. Interleukin-13 D. Transforming growth factor-beta E. Tumor necrosis factor-alpha To find out the correct answer and read the explanation, click here.    Brought to you by our brand partner    …
Friday Pop Quiz 5/12/2023
A 13-year-old girl is brought to the office because she has had the pruritic rash shown for the past 11 months. Her parents say none of the small tubes of moisturizers provided relief, including hydrocortisone 1%, which they applied for 4 days with minimal improvement. Daily bathing and petrolatum application are performed at home. Her medical history is unremarkable except for a peanut allergy, …
Itchy Skin – Friday Pop Quiz 4/21/2023
A 15-year-old girl comes to the clinic with her mother for dry, itchy skin that waxes and wanes for years. The patient states it worsens in the dry winter, along with during times of stress and anxiety. Examination reveals the findings pictured. What is the function of the gene product most commonly mutated in for this condition? A. Initiate and maintain intercellular adhesion of keratinocy …
What’s New for Itch
Brian Berman, MDDermatologists are well aware of the difficulty in managing itchy patients. Itch can be caused by a number of cutaneous and extracutaneous diseases. Regardless of the etiology, itch is one of the most frustrating symptoms of patients and management dilemmas for dermatologists. At the 16th Annual ODAC conference, Dr. Brian Berman reviewed some of the emerging therapies for the treatment of itch a …
Brian Berman, MD