Derm In-Review

Cicatricial Alopecia – Friday Pop Quiz 11/27
cicatricial alopecia The best diagnosis of this type of cicatricial alopecia shown in the image is: A. Chronic cutaneous lupus erythematosus B. Lichen planopilaris C. Central centrifugal cicatricial alopecia D. Pseudopelade of Brocq E. Alopecia mucinosa To find out the correct answer and read the explanation, click here.  Brought to you by our brand partner Derm In-Review.  A product of SanovaWo …
cicatricial alopecia
It’s Mnemonic Monday! Ectothrix
EctothrixOn this Mnemonic Monday, we challenge you to remember dermatophytosis of the hair (Ectothrix) where spores are found on the outside of the hair shaft, and fluoresce with Wood's light with the following mnemonic: Ectothrix: “Cats And Dogs Fight and Growl Sometimes” M. canis M. audouinii M. distortum M. ferrugineum M. gypseum T. schoenleiniii Click HERE to print your mne …
Keratoacanthomas – Friday Pop Quiz 11/20
keratoacanthomas This syndrome presents with multiple keratoacanthomas appearing suddenly during childhood or adolescence and inherited in an autosomal dominant pattern: A. Ferguson-Smith B. Grzybowski C. Gorlin D. KA centrifugum E. Buschke-Lowenstein To find out the correct answer and read the explanation, click here.  Brought to you by our brand partner Derm In-Review.  A product of Sanova …
It’s Mnemonic Monday! X-Linked Recessive (XLR) Syndromes this Mnemonic Monday, we challenge you to remember syndromes with an X-linked Recessive (XLR) inheritance pattern with the following mnemonic: CHAD’S KINKY WIFE GOT LUCKY Chronic granulomatous disease Hunter’s disease Anhidrotic ectodermal dysplasia Dyskeratosis congenita SCID Menkes Kinky hair disease Wiskott-Aldrich Ichthyosis X-linked Fabry’s disease Ehlers-Danlos V and IX …
Monoclonal Gammopathy – Friday Pop Quiz 11/13
monoclonal gammopathy What is the most likely diagnosis in this patient with a monoclonal gammopathy? A. Sarcoidosis B. Leprosy C. Phymatous rosacea D. Necrobiotic xanthogranuloma E. Cutaneous tuberculosis To find out the correct answer and read the explanation, click here.  Brought to you by our brand partner Derm In-Review.  A product of SanovaWorks. …
monoclonal gammopathy