
Jawline Sculpting Tips & Tricks with Dr. Robyn Siperstein
JAWLINE SCULPTINGInStyle recently wrote an article about Kybella for jawline sculpting. What are the best tools for shaping the jawline and who makes a good candidate? For top tips on jawline sculpting, I reached out to Robyn Siperstein, MD, cosmetic dermatologist in Boca Raton and Boynton Beach, Florida. What tools do you use -- including Kybella -- for jawline sculpting?  How do you know which tool to …
Re-thinking the Use of Gendered Language in Aesthetic Dermatology
Dermatology needs to re-think the use of gendered language in aesthetics, according to a brief communication published in the January issue of the Journal of Drugs in Dermatology. The authors contend that gendered language can cause upset or offense in patients with nonbinary gender identity or gender dysphoria, and that gender-neutral language can help dermatologists provide better and more consi …
Got Money? Save it! Key Financial Tips for Young Dermatologists
key financial tips for dermatologistsAfter more than a decade of school and training, dermatologists just starting out receive a substantial pay bump. Yet, according to financial planner Corey Janoff, CFP, there are some financial pitfalls that early career dermatologists can easily fall into. “Spending before saving. Buying the new ‘doctor’ house too soon. Not prioritizing saving for financial goals before upgrading their l …
key financial tips for dermatologists
Teledermatology Visits | Tips & Best Practices
teledermatologyMen's Health recently posted an article entitled "Six Tips for a Productive Telehealth Appointment with a Dermatologist." While the article gives patients tips for maximizing their teledermatology appointments, what advice do telemedicine experts have for dermatologists when conducting virtual visits with their patients? I consulted George Han, MD, PhD, director of clinical dermatology and …
Patient Buzz: TikTok Skincare Trends
TikTok Skincare TrendsTikTok is the newest medium in which to learn skincare tips, and this month’s Patient Buzz includes several articles that provide a dermatologist’s opinion on the validity of TikTok trends. Can glycolic acid work as deodorant? Can shaving cream soothe a sunburn? Does salt water improve acne? Read about TikTok skincare trends and other dermatology news from the consumer press and be ready fo …
TikTok Skincare Trends