melasma moustache

Patient Buzz: Melasma Moustache | The Expert Weighs In
melasmaGood Housekeeping recently posted an article on how to treat a melasma moustache. What should dermatology clinicians know about treating melasma on the upper lip? What are some up and coming melasma treatments that dermatology clinicians should be aware of? For expert advice, I reached out to Jennifer Rullan, MD, FAAD, a dermatologist in Chula Vista, Ca. How common is melasma on the upper l …
Patient Buzz Series: Skin Smoothies
skin smoothiesThe skin smoothie is one of the latest skincare trends popularized on TikTok. Made famous by TikTok creator Amy K, skin smoothies involve mixing several skincare products and applying the mixture to the skin at the same time. The most popular combination on TikTok involves mixing petroleum jelly, moisturizing lotion, serum and self-tanning lotion. Users claim applying the products together leads t …
skin smoothies