
Dr. Kwatra’s Itch Toolbox Unveiled
itchDo you ever wonder what’s in the tool box of an itch expert like Baltimore dermatologist Dr. Shawn Kwatra? Next Steps in Derm, in partnership with ODAC Dermatology, Aesthetic & Surgical Conference, interviewed Dr. Kwatra, who outlined the therapies he uses, including injections, topicals and oral pills. Watch as Dr. Kwatra outlines why determining the type of itch is imperative to selecting …
Patient Buzz: The Staph-Itch Connection | The Expert Weighs In
itchHealthCentral recently highlighted new research out of Harvard Medical School on the role of Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus) in itch. Researchers found S. aureus can trigger itch in mice and human cells through communication with sensory neurons. For an expert’s take, I reached out to Gil Yosipovitch, MD, professor, Stiefel Chair of Medical Dermatology and director of the Miami Itch Center …
Urticaria Pigmentosa Without Pruritus | Case Report
urticaria pigmentosa Mastocytosis is a group of disorders characterized by the pathologic accumulation of mast cells in various tissues. One example of mastocytosis is urticaria pigmentosa, which presents with mastocytomas that can cause hives and, when irritated, pruritus. To the authors' knowledge, they are describing the first case of urticaria pigmentosa without pruritus. The patient had a positive Darier' …
urticaria pigmentosa
Emerging Therapies for Patients with Atopic Dermatitis
atopic dermatitisIt’s an exciting time for new therapies in atopic dermatitis with several therapies recently approved or in late-stage development. Next Steps in Derm, in partnership with ODAC Dermatology, Aesthetic & Surgical Conference, interviewed Baltimore dermatologist Dr. Shawn Kwatra, who outlined the new treatment options. From therapies that target IL-13 and IL-31 to JAK inhibitors, dermatology cl …
atopic dermatitis
Pathogenesis of Pruritus – Friday Pop Quiz 12/1/2023
          An increased level of which of the following proteins is most implicated in the pathogenesis of pruritus in the patient’s condition? A. Defensin B. Histamine C. Interleukin-2 D. Interleukin-31 E. Transforming growth factor-beta To find out the correct answer and read the explanation, click here.    Brought to you by …