Richard Fried MD

Mental Health Effects of Eczema | The Expert Weighs In
ECZEMASELF recently posted an article about the hidden mental health effects of eczema. How should dermatology clinicians approach their eczema patients about the mental impacts of this skin condition? When should a dermatologist refer to a mental health professional? For expert advice, I reached out to dermatologist and clinical psychologist Richard Fried, MD, PhD, clinical director of Yardley Derm …
Mental Health and the Dermatologist
mental health and the dermatologistWhile some celebrities and star athletes are using their platforms to help normalize mental illness, dermatologists may remain hesitant to care for their own mental health. “The nature of the road traveled to the medical profession and the performance demands placed upon physicians create a deeply ingrained belief that ‘perceived defect or weakness’ can be catastrophic for their careers� …
mental health and the dermatologist