systemic corticosteroids

No Brainer Approaches to Neutrophilic Dermatoses
Neutrophilic DermatosesAt the 2025 ODAC Dermatology conference, Dr. Anthony Fernandez, MD, PhD gave an informative presentation titled, No-Brainer Approaches to Neutrophilic Dermatoses. His presentation focused on discussing the clinical presentation, differential diagnosis considerations, and treatment options of pyoderma gangrenosum and Sweet syndrome. Pyoderma Gangrenosum (PG) Pyoderma gangrenosum typically present …
Neutrophilic Dermatoses
Prenatal Rash – Friday Pop Quiz 1/27/2023
A 35 year-old woman in her late third trimester of pregnancy presents to the office for an acute rash that started on her abdomen as seen in the picture below. What do you need to council the mother regarding the effect that this rash may have on the fetus? A. Increased risk of prematurity and small-for-gestational age B. No effect C. Increased risk of stillbirths D. Increased risk …
Cutaneous Signs of Systemic Disease | Pearls from the Expert
cutaneous signs of systemic diseaseNext Steps in Derm and the Journal of Drugs in Dermatology, in partnership with the Dermatology Education Foundation (DEF) and Physicians Resources,  interviewed board-certified dermatologist and dermatologic surgeon Dr. Brad Glick on his approach to patients with cutaneous signs of systemic disease. Watch as he shares many examples of common and less common systemic diseases with  dermatolog …
cutaneous signs of systemic disease