Leukemia Cutis in Skin of Color
leukemia cutisThe various presentations of many dermatologic conditions among various skin types are slowly being elucidated throughout the recent years. These differences present as an issue as it leads to delayed diagnosis, treatment, and poorer quality of life. Herein, JDD authors  Susuana Adjei MD, et al.  present the characteristics of leukemia cutis in a skin of color patient with diagnosed chronic myel …
leukemia cutis
5 Key Features of Melanoma Under Dermoscopy
dermoscopyNext Steps in Derm, in partnership with ODAC Dermatology, Aesthetic & Surgical Conference, interviewed Dr. Jennifer Stein, professor of dermatology at the Ronald O. Perelman Department of Dermatology at NYU Grossman School of Medicine. Watch as Dr. Stein shares five indicators of melanoma that you should look for when using dermoscopy. Find out what differential diagnoses to run through if yo …
Laser-Assisted Drug Delivery | Practical Pearls from the Expert
LADLaser-assisted drug delivery (LAD) is a new method of locally delivering treatments for some skin disorders. Dr. Jill Waibel, Subsection Chief of Dermatology at Baptist Hospital of Miami, shared pearls in the emerging technique at the inaugural Pigmentary Disorders Exchange Symposium. Continue reading this article for more information on this novel therapy. The basics of laser-assisted delivery …
Patient Buzz Series: Facial Acids as Deodorant
Facial AcidsSubbing facial cleanser for your deodorant is one of the latest TikTok crazes that’s making headlines in the consumer press. Videos on social media claim that acids such as glycolic acid and salicylic acid are effective in killing the bacteria that causes body odor. However, dermatologists point out that it’s the combination of bacteria and sweat that leads to body odor, so people also should …
Facial Acids
JDD August 2023 Issue Highlights | Special Focus: Psoriasis
psoriasisWith a special focus on the topic of psoriasis, check out highlights from the August issue of the Journal of Drugs in Dermatology (JDD) straight from the JDD Editor’s desk: Consensus Statements on the Use of Corticosteroid-Containing Topical Medications in Psoriasis delves into the expert guidance provided by the Psoriasis Expert Group (PEG), encompassing nine crucial statements that offer com …