Career Development

Dermatology Media Relations: When to Hire an Agency
media relations and press relations in dermatology and SanovaWorksDermatology Media Relations - Part II So you want to participate in media articles as a means of growing your dermatology practice. Time to call the professionals, right? Not necessarily. Here are three situations when to use a media relations agency and four tactics that you can do on your own. When to use an agency: You’re in a large media market. If you’re in a large metro area, you wil …
media relations and press relations in dermatology and SanovaWorks
The Five Cardinal Rules of Finding a Mentor Part 2 – Sealing the Deal
This is the second article in the two-part series about the five cardinal rules of finding a mentor. In part one, I discussed rules one and two: be honest and fearless. Read on to learn how to seal the deal by following cardinal rules three, four, and five which cover the importance of being open-minded, putting in the effort, and embracing the ‘now.’ 3. Be open-minded. Sure, you may have …
Six Must Read Books (No Textbooks Allowed!)
Must Read BooksSix Must Read Books Recommended by JDD Authors From the memoirs of a talented neurosurgeon fighting terminal lung cancer to management advice on how to turn a good business into a great one, and everything in between, we asked a few JDD authors to tell us what their must read books are…when not studying of course! Beth McLellan, MD [caption id="attachment_4615" align="alignnone" width="3 …
Must Read Books
Ask a Mentor: Dr. Terrance Keaney
Building a Career in Cosmetics, Establishing a Private Practice, and the Approach to the Male Aesthetic Patient We are excited to announce another installment of our recurring series: Ask a Mentor. In this monthly segment, we identify an accomplished mentor in the field of Dermatology.  The mentor will  answer your questions about career development and their unique areas of expertise. …
Using Social Media as a Professional and Clinical Tool
Next Steps social media on an ipadWe are living at a time of unprecedented access to information. Anyone with an internet connection can access vast amounts of knowledge with little effort.  While this change has had broad implications for society at large, its impact is especially felt in medicine and science.  Clinical questions we might encounter on a day to day basis may now be answered with a simple google search.  The li …
Next Steps social media on an ipad