Derm In-Review

Ask a Mentor Q&A Recap – Exam of the Future
Exam of the Future The following questions were asked by our Next Steps readers about the Exam of the Future. Dr. Tammie Ferringer, an accomplished dermatopathologist who sits on the Board of the American Board of Dermatology and who recently presented at ODAC 2018 on the Exam of the Future, answers our readers’ questions. 1) When do modules have to be done? The modules compose the CORE component of …
Exam of the Future
It’s Pop Quiz Friday 4/6! Let’s see if you get it right!
You are called to evaluate a patient with these cutaneous findings. Once the diagnosis is confirmed, which additional test is indicated in the work-up for underlying causes? Colonoscopy Blood cultures Hemoglobin A1C Fat pad biopsy Hepatitis C antibody To find out the correct answer and read the explanation, click here.   Brought to you by …
It’s Pop Quiz Friday! Let’s see if you get it right!
Which of the following is FALSE regarding this diagnosis? PAS +, diastase labile The eosinophilic intracytoplasmic constituent is also known as a pustulo-ovoid body. Often has pseudoepitheliomatous hyperplasia overlying it Malignant transformation may occur Most common location is the head and neck To find out the correct answer and read the ex …
5th installment of Krazy Kodachromes – LIVE NOW!
Krazy Kodachromes_5 Our partner, Derm In-Review, is excited to announce that the 5th installment of Krazy Kodachromes is online now and ready for viewing! For the fifth installment, Dr. Adam Friedman along with award-winning educator Dr. Nasir Aziz provide their unique perspectives and insightful analysis during a live Kodachrome review session. Krazy Kodachromes is the latest study tool for dermatology …
Krazy Kodachromes_5