Derm Topics

A Primer on Chemical Peels – Part I
Chemical PeelsChemical peeling is one of the oldest resurfacing procedures used in dermatology, and it is still the most popular.  Why the staying power?  For reasons such as, ease of use, versatility, and low cost have helped maintain chemical peels as a cornerstone of the aesthetic repertoire.  In this two-part primer, I’ll review the basics of chemical peels including agents used, techniques and potenti …
Chemical Peels
Dermatology Treatment – Be Prepared for What Your Patients May Ask About
Do your patients ever ask you about a dermatology treatment or concern that may seem off-the-wall? Chances are they learned about that dermatology treatment or concern in the news. Want to know what your patients are reading about? Here are some recent news articles about dermatology in the consumer press:   Allure: Carbonated water in beauty products  Ear pimples How to …
Psoriasis Therapeutics and Marketing
psoriasis therapeuticsJDD Podcast Recap and Author Interview There has been vast growth in the array of treatment options for psoriasis over the last two decades.  Not surprisingly, the variety of new drugs for this chronic condition has resulted in substantial direct-to-consumer marketing.  However, patients with psoriasis are still largely undertreated.  This discrepancy is explored in the paper “Discordance Be …
psoriasis therapeutics
Hyperhidrosis Treatment Innovation using Radiofrequency Microneedling
Hyperhidrosis TreatmentJDD Podcast Recap & Ask the Investigator on Hyperhidrosis Treatment Innovation Hyperhidrosis represents a great clinical challenge: it can be debilitating for patients, and treatment options are few.  In this edition of the JDD Podcast, Dr. Adam Friedman interviews Dr. Suneel Chilukuri, aninternationally recognized procedural dermatologist and the Director of Cosmetic Surgery at Refresh Derm …
Hyperhidrosis Treatment
Special Focus: Aesthetics – JDD September issue
Aesthetics Special Focus September JDDHave you received your September JDD issue yet?  The Special Focus of this month's issue is Aesthetics.  Below are the highlights for the September issue! Highlights: Topical EGF is a safe, noninvasive, and effective in A Randomized, Double- Blind, Placebo-Controlled, Split-Face Study of the Efficacy of Topical Epidermal Growth Factor for the Treatment of Melasma. The fourth in a ser …
Aesthetics Special Focus September JDD