Derm Topics

Dupilumab in the Treatment of Dyshidrosis: A Report of Two Cases of Dyshidrotic Eczema
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Dyshidrotic eczema (dyshidrosis) primarily appears on the palms and soles and is often difficult to treat. In this Journal of Drugs in Dermatology (JDD) case report, we look at two successfully treated unique cases of recalcitrant dyshidrotic eczema (dyshidrosis). This article was written by Gillian K. Weston MD, Jette Hooper, Bruce E. Strober MD PhD and publish …
The Art and Science of Surgical Nutrition –
Dr. Buford Knows How

Imagine for a minute you are preparing for elective surgery. You are scared to death and have to choose from two very different scenarios. The first scenario involves a surgeon who is well-trained, experienced in her specialty, but who has changed virtually nothing since the day she began practice with respect to preoperative protocols. A few weeks before surgery, you meet at your preop …
Why Generational Dermatology?
Generational Dermatology Simply put, it’s better for the patient because we are proactively and routinely mitigating future risks for them. Also, overall and long-term it is a more economically sound approach for our healthcare system. Dermatologists are experts in the skin, hair and nails not just throughout the course of an individuals’ life but perfectly positioned for the entire family's lifetime. This …
Generational Dermatology
Generational DermatologyTM Symposium: Why attend?
Generational Dermatology In dermatology, crafting the perfect treatment plan for your patient takes more than a correct diagnosis. It encompasses prevention and involves medical, cosmetic, surgical and oncologic strategies over the decades to optimize skin performance throughout the course of a lifetime. Coined by Dr. Wendy Roberts, the Generational DermatologyTM approach was originally targeted to interrupt the e …
Generational Dermatology
ODAC Pearls: Hormonal Treatment Options for Acne—Dr. Bethanee Schlosser
hormonal treatment for acnePEARLS FROM THIS SESSION - collected by Misty Eleryan, MD We must remember that ALL acne is hormonally sensitive in females, so many patients could benefit from some form of hormonal therapy. Patients with hyperandrogenism, late-onset or persistent (greater than age 25yrs), prominence of acne on the lower face and neck, perimenstrual flare, comedonal acne with seborrhea, resistant to “conventio …
hormonal treatment for acne