Derm Topics

Suncare Sundays: UV Index Explained
Do you know what your Ultraviolet Index is today? Ultraviolet index (UV index) is a measure of the strength of the sun’s harmful rays at a particular place and time.  The higher the number, the greater the chance of sun damage.1  UV Index was developed by Canadian scientists in 1992 and standardized by the UN’s World Health Organization and World Meteorological Organization in 1994.  U …
Understanding and Changing Patient Behavior and Minimizing Risk of UV Damage – A JDD Dermatology Podcast Recap
UV damageWe all discuss sun protection with our patients.  At this point, our recommendations are predictable – “avoidance, protective clothing, SPF 30+, broad-spectrum, water-resistant, and reapplication.” But how can we effectively change patient behavior? Important note – this discussion has wide arching correlations to all areas of human behavior, medicine, and dermatology that spans more th …
UV damage
Social Significance of the Eyebrows and Periorbital Complex
eyebrowsIf the eyes are the windows to the soul, the eyebrows must surely be the frames, shaping the face and giving definition to the eyes and forehead. Many women spend a great deal of time maintaining the appearance of the eyebrows, via plucking and shaping, cosmetics, or even surgical implants. Historically, fashionable trends revolved around thickness, hue, and the shape of the arch; and there is no …
Spontaneous Eruption – Friday Pop Quiz – 7/23
What is the most likely diagnosis in an otherwise well appearing 3-year-old child with a spontaneous eruption of the rash seen below? A. Pityriasis rosea B. Erythema dyschromicum perstans C. Café-au-lait macules D. Pigmentary mosaicism E. None of the above To find out the correct answer and read the explanation, click here.  Brought to you by our brand partner Derm In-Review …
Pediatric Lichen Planopilaris Treated With Pioglitazone
Pediatric Lichen PlanopilarisPediatric lichen planopilaris (LPP) is a clinical variant of lichen planus (LP) that can lead to scarring hair loss without prompt intervention. While various therapies exist, intralesional and topical corticosteroids remain the mainstay of treatment in pediatric LPP. Refractory cases may require systemic therapies, selection of which may prove challenging due to the lack of data regarding pediatr …
Pediatric Lichen Planopilaris