Antibiotic Prophylaxis in Cutaneous Surgery Therapeutic Cheat Sheet
Antibiotic ProphylaxisThe use of antimicrobial therapy in the field of cutaneous surgery can be a difficult and controversial topic. Overall, there are a lack of randomized controlled clinical trials evaluating the efficacy of antimicrobial prophylaxis within our field. As a result, much of the recommendations for antimicrobial prophylaxis are extrapolated from other fields, such as dentistry, cardiology, and orthopedi …
Antibiotic Prophylaxis
The Wound Healing Response Therapeutic Cheat Sheet
wound healingFollowing numerous office-based dermatologic procedures, erythema, swelling, and scarring are often feared complications experienced by our patients. Understanding the wound healing response is synonymous with understanding the stages of healing and ultimately the clinical appearance of each wound. Possessing and sharing a firm grasp on this knowledge allows for patient empowerment during the woun …
wound healing
Bilobed Flap Therapeutic Cheat Sheet
BILOBED FLAPDr. Michael J. Visconti continues our Therapeutic Cheat Sheet series, surgical edition, with a look at the bilobed flap, one of the workhorse reconstructive designs in the armamentarium of dermatologic surgeons. The Bilobed Flap Therapeutic Cheat Sheet Compiled by: Michael J. Visconti, DO | Reviewed by: Vishal A. Patel, MD Background Vascular Supply: random pattern Movement Clas …
An Algorithmic Approach to Procedural Complications
Procedural ComplicationsNext Steps in Derm, in partnership with ODAC Dermatology, Aesthetic & Surgical Conference, interviewed Dr. David Ozog, chair of the dermatology department at Henry Ford Hospital. Watch as Dr. Ozog outlines his approach to handling complications from dermatology procedures. He believes communication may very well be the most important consideration, so hear how he keeps in touch with his patie …
Procedural Complications
Benefits & Pitfalls of Gene Expression Profiling in Treating Cutaneous Malignancies
gene expression profilingNext Steps in Derm, in partnership with ODAC Dermatology, Aesthetic and Surgical Conference, interviewed Dr. Vishal A. Patel (fellowship trained Mohs micrographic surgeon who serves as Director of Cutaneous Oncology at the GW Cancer Center and Director of Dermatologic Surgery at the GW Department of Dermatology) about the pros and cons of gene expression profiling. Watch him describe how this tech …
gene expression profiling