Acne Information on Instagram: Quality of Content & the Role of Dermatologists on Social Media
acneINTRODUCTION Common among adolescents and adults, acne vulgaris accounts for a significant portion of dermatology appointments.1 While there are a variety of safe, effective, and evidence-based treatments available, there are also numerous products for acne marketed on social media that are untested and/or show no benefit in treating acne vulgaris. Even for treatments with known efficacy, quality …
Chromate-Induced Allergic Contact Dermatitis Treated With Dupilumab
Chromate-Induced Allergic Contact Dermatitis Treated With DupilumabChromate causes persistent, difficult to treat irritant and allergic contact dermatitis in cement-handling occupational workers. When therapeutics such as topical corticosteroids, topical calcineurin inhibitors, phototherapy and immune-modulating treatments like methotrexate fail, many patients are advised that avoidance may be the only remaining option – an option that may be particularly chall …
Chromate-Induced Allergic Contact Dermatitis Treated With Dupilumab
Hypopigmented Mycosis Fungoides: A Clinical Mimicker of Vitiligo
Hypopigmented Mycosis Fungoides (HMF) Hypopigmented mycosis fungoides (HMF) is a rare variant of cutaneous T-cell lymphoma (CTCL) that often manifests in younger patients with darker skin types in a centripetal distribution.¹ Average age of diagnosis is often 14 years.² The diagnosis is often missed due to its low incidence and lack of clinical suspicion. Misdiagnosis and failure to obtain biopsies lead to a long latency period fr …
Hypopigmented Mycosis Fungoides (HMF)
Body Hair and Identity in Transgender Men: A Cross-Sectional Survey
body hair in transgender men Transgender and gender diverse people can experience increased depression, anxiety, suicidal ideation, and suicide from gender dysphoria (GD).1 GD occurs due to a discrepancy between a person’s gender identity, assigned gender, and physical characteristics.2 Gender affirming medical care, including dermatologic care, can increase body-gender congruence and decrease negative outcomes associ …
body hair in transgender men
Severe Ulcerative Perniosis Treated With Botulinum Toxin
Botulinum ToxinPerniosis (also known as pernio or chilblains), is a condition characterized by the development of pruritic, painful erythrocyanotic skin lesions induced by exposure to cold temperatures.² When perniosis occurs in conjunction with clinical or laboratory features of systemic lupus erythematosus, the condition is further classified as chilblain lupus erythematosus (CHLE). CHLE is a rare condition w …
Botulinum Toxin