JDD Corner

JDD March Issue Highlights and Editor Picks
JDD March issueBelow are the issue highlights and Editor Picks for the March issue of JDD! Recent evidence highlights the importance of early and effective treatment in treatment and prevention of acne scars in The Role of Topical Retinoids in Prevention and Treatment of Atrophic Acne Scarring: Understanding the Importance of Early Effective Treatment. Efficacy of a Once-Daily Fixed Combination Halobe …
JDD March issue
JDD February Issue Highlights and Editor Picks
JDD February IssueBelow are the issue highlights and Editor Picks for the February issue of JDD! Using patient cases, authors demonstrate how recent recommendations can be utilized and implemented in Systemic Therapies for Moderate-to-Severe Atopic Dermatitis: Expert Perspectives in Practice. Effectiveness of SRT for treating BCC and SCC is evaluated in Superficial Radiation Therapy: A Viable Nonsurgical Op …
JDD February Issue
Journal Review Series: January – March 2018
derm journalsDerm In-Review Advisory Council Member, Dr. Ramya Kollipara, searched dermatology journals so that you don’t have to! She reports on important take-aways from different medical journals for the months of January, February, and March of 2018.  Find study tools and more like this at Derm In-Review. It is key to keep in mind that “important” is subjective and what is contained in this revie …
derm journals
JDD January Issue Highlights and Editor Picks
JDD January issueBelow are the issue highlights and Editor Picks for the January issue of JDD! Final Data From the Condition of Submental Fullness and Treatment Outcomes Registry (CONTOUR) provides insights into the treatment of submental fat in clinical practice. Tretinoin 0.05% lotion provides an alternative solution in Novel Tretinoin 0.05% Lotion for the Once-Daily Treatment of Moderate-to-Severe Acne …
JDD January issue
Seborrheic Dermatitis of the Face and Scalp in Skin of Color
seborrheic dermatitis of the face and scalp[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]January 2019, the Journal of Drugs in Dermatology (JDD) published the article, "Seborrheic Dermatitis in Skin of Color: Clinical Considerations." This article was written by May Elgash BS, Ncoza Dlova MBChB, FCDerm PhD, Temitayo Ogunleye MD, Susan C. Taylor MD. Seborrheic dermatitis (SD) is a skin disorder affecting 3% to 12% of the population. Seborrheic derm …
seborrheic dermatitis of the face and scalp