Resident Corner

GWU/DIR In-Service Scramble – Watch NOW!
Sun DermatologyThe GWU/DIR In-Service Scramble took place on March 1.  Over 200 residents  watched online and 50 attended in person. The In-Service Scramble was sponsored by Sun Dermatology.  If you missed the LIVE presentation or would like to watch again, click here! The schedule was as follows: 9:00 – 9:30am Adam Friedman, MD 9:30 – 10:00am Kalyani Marathe, MD 10:00 – 10:30am Frank Glass, MD 1 …
Sun Dermatology
I Wish I Had Known: The Importance of Writing
writing physicianA Dermatologist’s Foray into Writing My trials and tribulations in writing first began in high school. I wrote a humor article in high school for our school newspaper. The experience was fun as I collected my thoughts, tried to be creative and work on my comedic stylings, and determined whether or not I could make others laugh. The feedback I received was satisfying and encouraging. Once in uni …
writing physician
GWU In-Service Scramble
Scramble[caption id="attachment_3457" align="alignnone" width="320"] Adam Friedman, MD[/caption] Join Us for the First Ever LIVE Broadcast Board In-Review Session! The George Washington University School of Medicine & Health Sciences In-Service Scamble Just in time for the online practice exam! This live broadcast review session will consist of 6 lectures, which will cover as much as …
2018 Dates to Remember
calendarThe time goes fast and there's lots to do. Make this your one-stop shop for all dates in dermatology! Check the calendar by month for conferences, exam dates and deadlines. January 2018 Winter Clinical Dermatology Conference - Hawaii (Foundation for Research and Education in Dermatology) Jan 12 - 17 ODAC - Dermatology Aesthetic & Clinical Conference (SanovaWorks) Jan 12 - …