Resident Corner

Dear Derm Authority: What are important questions to ask when interviewing for a new job?
What are the most important questions to ask when interviewing for a new job? Interviewing is a critical step in the job hunting process.  Prospective employers look for candidates to ask them questions just as much as they like to ask them.  It shows that you are interested in the position and have thoughtful questions prepared about what future employment might be like with them.  Here are …
5 Things I Wish I Had Known My Last Year of Residency
timeThe last year of residency goes by in the blink of eye.  Don't get so wrapped up in studying for and passing the board exam that you forget to put some focus on these five things. 5. Savor the Time with Your Fellow Residents Third year flies by. You spend a great deal of your life with your co-residents and it is very easy to get caught up in the craziness of third year and not enjoy the mo …
Dermatology Conferences After Residency
conferencesDuring residency, as a resident, you likely had key conferences you attended throughout your training. The main meeting that most residents get the opportunity to attend is the winter American Academy of Dermatology (AAD) conference. The AAD is the biggest annual dermatology meeting worldwide. It draws participants from all over the globe and is packed with educational and social content. Perha …
The Skin Cancer Foundation’s 2018 Research Grants Awards Program
Skin Cancer FoundationThe Skin Cancer Foundation is now accepting applications for support of pilot research projects related to all types of skin cancer. Researchers are invited to submit applications for one-year projects to be conducted in the dermatology departments of medical institutions within the United States. With the help of generous donors, The Skin Cancer Foundation has funded more than $1.6 million in res …
Skin Cancer Foundation
5th installment of Krazy Kodachromes – LIVE NOW!
Krazy Kodachromes_5 Our partner, Derm In-Review, is excited to announce that the 5th installment of Krazy Kodachromes is online now and ready for viewing! For the fifth installment, Dr. Adam Friedman along with award-winning educator Dr. Nasir Aziz provide their unique perspectives and insightful analysis during a live Kodachrome review session. Krazy Kodachromes is the latest study tool for dermatology …
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