Resident Corner

I Wish I Had Known: Residency
residency happyIn dermatology residency, my focus was, appropriately, on learning all that I could about dermatology so that I would pass my board exams and provide great care to my patients, in that order. These were necessary and important priorities, but retrospectively, I wish I had known: 1. Patients care that I care. First and foremost, each patient wants to be remembered, to feel special, to feel well c …
residency happy
I Wish I Had Known: Residency Tips
Residency TipsIn the midst of residency, it seemed like the training, endless consults, biopsies, lectures and oversight would never end. Afterwards, I longed for the second opinion, the grand rounds discussions and the fabulous mentors. Cherish the unique approach each attending takes for both common and uncommon dermatologic conditions. What may seem like an unusual treatment regimen may prove useful some d …
Residency Tips
I Wish I Had Known: Finding the Right Fit Post-Training
As someone currently immersed in this process, I have learned a few lessons along the way -- some old made new again and others understood for the first time. Each of us has a unique way of sorting through information and making decisions, and for many of us a constant inner dialogue develops inside our own minds throughout this process. Below are five lessons that I find helpful, but of which I …
Resources for Dermatology Board Studying
Studying for the dermatology boards is a stressful task that can feel daunting at times. However, residents need not fear; with the proper resources and good study habits you can feel well-prepared for this exam. There are a plethora of resources devoted to the dermatology boards. The AAD meetings provide MOC courses to help dermatologists prepare for re-certification. These courses are compris …
Tips for Preparing for the Certifying Examination (Part 1 of 2)
certifying examinationWhen preparing yourself for “The Boards,” there are many things to take into consideration. Read on in to learn tried and true tips that will help you on your road to passing the exam. And embarking on your career as a certified dermatologist. 1) This is a marathon, not a race – start preparing early The accumulation of knowledge for the Certifying Examination is meant to take place over t …
certifying examination