GW Resident Segment – November edition
podcast_logoIn the newest JDD Podcast, "Pledge to Protect? Highlighting Flaws with the Isotretinoin Safety Monitoring", Ask the Investigator, host Dr. Adam Friedman of GW School of Medicine and Health Sciences is joined by Albert Einstein College of Medicine Chief of Dermatology Dr. Steven Cohen for a throw back podcast covering his landmark 2016 JDD study entitled "iPLEDGE Weaknesses: Is It Time to Address t …
Dear Derm Authority: What are important questions to ask when interviewing for a new job?
What are the most important questions to ask when interviewing for a new job? Interviewing is a critical step in the job hunting process.  Prospective employers look for candidates to ask them questions just as much as they like to ask them.  It shows that you are interested in the position and have thoughtful questions prepared about what future employment might be like with them.  Here are …
ISRegen Webinar Series by Next Steps
ISRegen societyPlease join us for one - or all four of the latest webinar series from Next Steps in Derm!  Details are below! November 22nd, 7pm ET Title: Epidermal Stem Cells: Their Role in Wound Healing and Skin Regeneration Presenter: Kavita Beri, MD [caption id="attachment_3235" align="alignnone" width="353"] Dr. Kavita Beri[/caption]   Concept of Regenerative Medicine & Regenera …
ISRegen society
What is Holistic Dermatology?
holistic dermatologyHolistic dermatology focuses on treating the underlying causes of an individual’s skin problem using the least invasive means first. It focuses on environmental and nutritional factors, gut microbiome and function, and history of exposures to chemicals, organisms and stresses as potential sources of inflammation or modification of the body’s ability to deal with potential antigens setting off …
holistic dermatology
Always Keep Your Eyes Open for New Trends
At the time that I graduated residency and went on to a pediatric dermatology fellowship I was unaware of what my practice would look like as a new practitioner, and even more so a decade later. One of the most important things I learned in practice is that it is vitally important to keep an eye out for new trends or reappearances of old diseases. In this vein, I am going to list five things that …