Society Spotlight: International Society of Regenerative Medicine (ISRegen)
ISRegen societyWhat is ISRegen? The International Society of Regenerative Medicine (ISRegen) is a member-based medical society with a focus on integrating clinical practice and scientific innovation in the field Regenerative Medicine. Our goal is to help integrate this modern and new age science of regenerative medicine into the current practice of aesthetics & anti-aging. As well as establish a quality st …
ISRegen society
JDD August Highlights – Special Focus: Psoriasis
Catch up on your JDD reading with highlights from the August issue, Special Focus: Psoriasis. Strober, Bagel, and Lebwohl et al present Efficacy and Safety of Apremilast in Patients With Moderate Plaque Psoriasis With Lower BSA: Week 16 Results from the UNVEIL Study   READ NOW The Static Physician’s Global Assessment of Genitalia: A Clinical Outcome Measure for the Severity of Genital Ps …
August JDD Podcast: Go Superpotent or Go Home
superpotentGo superpotent or go home.  The utility and safety of Class 1 topical steroids. Dr. Tina Bhutani and Dr. Adam Friedman In this edition of the JDD Podcast, Ask the Investigator, host Dr. Adam Friedman digs deep with UCSF Assistant Professor of Dermatology Dr. Tina Bhutani to powerlift the most up to date safety data on Class 1 superpotent topical steroids from her study entitled "Update on the …
5th installment of Krazy Kodachromes – LIVE NOW!
Krazy Kodachromes_5 Our partner, Derm In-Review, is excited to announce that the 5th installment of Krazy Kodachromes is online now and ready for viewing! For the fifth installment, Dr. Adam Friedman along with award-winning educator Dr. Nasir Aziz provide their unique perspectives and insightful analysis during a live Kodachrome review session. Krazy Kodachromes is the latest study tool for dermatology …
Krazy Kodachromes_5
Dear Derm Authority: Laser Therapy Pre-treatment
Pre-treatment Q:  Do you often do pre-treatment with topical medications before the laser therapy, especially when you treat darker skin types? I heard that it is better to use retinoid + hydroquinone for 6 weeks before the laser treatment because lightning of dark color background will minimize the risk of burn. A: Practicing in South Florida, I see many patients with darker skin types seeking laser treatm …