Dear Derm Authority: How do I build a strong CV in the age of social media?
CV Your CV is your advocate. It documents and credentials your accomplishments for someone who has never met you. It’s your pitch for an interview. Many hiring physicians are reading your CV on their phone! It must be concise, precise and easy to follow. The first step is to provide current contact information, phone, personal email and LinkedIn public profile. Next, Resident/intern/fe …
What is Memory Age – and Why is it Important?
I spend a lot of time thinking about aging. During and after receiving my Masters of Nursing in Gerontology – the study of aging and its effects – I spent years studying the human struggle with the natural signs of aging and what we could do to slow the hands of time. Our tools back then were largely restricted to lifestyle changes proven to increase longevity – healthy eating, exercise and …
Krazy Kodachromes – Live now!
Krazy Kodachromes Our partner, Derm In-Review, is excited to announce that the 4th installment of Krazy Kodachromes is online now and ready for viewing! Dr. Adam Friedman along with award-winning educators Dr. Yasmine Kirkorianand Dr. Frank Glass provide their unique perspectives and insightful analysis during a live Kodachrome review session. Krazy Kodachromes is the latest study tool for dermatolo …
Krazy Kodachromes
The Most Important Things to Consider When Starting a Dermatology Practice
Start upSetting up a new dermatology practice is a challenge, regardless of where you are in your career, whether it be straight out of residency or several years later. My goal is to offer you several tips to help you understand the various activities involved and the most critical steps in the process as well the costs. Setting up your own practice involves many steps and decisions, but it’s best to g …
Start up
Starting a Solo Practice
private practiceThe evolving healthcare environment has led to a decrease in the percentage of dermatologists in solo private practice, dropping from 44% in 2007 to 35% in 2014.1 However, if you decide that solo practice is the right fit for you,2 it can still be done! You matched in dermatology; therefore, you have more than enough ability to run a private practice. Six years into solo practice, the best piece o …
private practice