From the ODAC experts: Board Review Pearls
boards pearls of wisdomCompiled by Dr. Sheila Jalalat Highlights: key word associations for boards Neal Bhatia, MD Read CME in JAAD every Month 55% of the Boards is Kodachrome based Minocycline hyperpigmentation- Type 1 is most common and involves areas of previous inflammation and scarring Minocycline hypersensitivity reaction – hepatitis and facial edema Minocycline causing Lupus-like drug react …
boards pearls of wisdom
Dear Derm Authority with Dr. Dendy Engelman
What was the most important lessons I learned my first years out in practice? Keep your eyes open, figuratively of course. In the field of medicine, things are changing so fast (yet so slow) so keep your eyes open and absorb every bit of information. Just because residency is over, it doesn’t mean you’re done with learning. Every 8 years, the amount of medical information doubles, so you ha …
Dear Derm Authority: How Do I Best Use Social Media to Build my Practice?
social media Using social media to engage current and prospective clients is fast becoming a non-negotiable part of marketing. At the same time, it can become overwhelming to know where to begin or how to approach some of the different platforms. The best way to use social media to build your practice is in providing valuable information, and other content that relates to your business or services. Boos …
social media
Preparing for Life After Residency
changeThe time to start thinking about life after residency begins on your first day! First Year of Residency Though you are super busy keeping up with the material, you should start planning ahead during your first year of residency. Ask yourself where you want to be in five, 10, and 30 years? Regardless of your path, there will be challenges! If you prefer to tackle challenges alone, then starting a …
Tales From the Office: Hypothesis Never Retested
I saw a young man for eczematized tinea pedis. I prescribed Castellanbi's paint. He returned for his follow up, and was pleased that he was much better. I asked how often he was applying the medication and he looked at me quizzically.  He said he wasn't putting the liquid on - he was taking it orally. Frantically fearing that I had mis-written the prescription, I asked …