JDD Corner

JDD April Issue Highlights and Editor Picks

Below are the issue highlights and Editor Picks for the April issue of JDD!

An Acne Survey from the World’s Largest Annual Gathering of Twins surveys a cohort of identical and fraternal twins to identify environmental factors that may influence acne severity.

Dihydroxyacetone: A Review reviews the literature and widespread use of DHA as an ingredient in sunless tanning products.

In Understanding Patient Experience With Hyperhidrosis: A National Survey of 1,985 Patients, authors add important clinical insight on patient experience, family history, physician interaction, impact on daily activities, and treatment satisfaction.

In Frontal Fibrosing Alopecia and Concomitant Lichen Planus Pigmentosus: A Case Series of Seven African American Women, observations support the theory that FFA and LPPigm likely exist on the same spectrum of disease.

Current evidence for collagen powder as an adjunctive therapy for chronic wounds is reviewed in Collagen Powder in Wound Healing.

Emerging agents that target key growth factors or cytokines hold promise in changing the therapeutic landscape of scar management in Topical Agents for Scar Management: Are They Effective?

Studies regarding human in vivo topical FNS treatment efficacy were identified in A Systematic Review of Topical Finasteride in the Treatment of Androgenetic Alopecia in Men and Women.

Facial support pillars and their dynamic behavior are evaluated in Dynamic Changes of Facial Supporting Cornerstones (Pillars): Considerations in Aesthetic Approach.

Dermatology on Instagram: An Analysis of Hashtags discusses the presence of dermatologists on social media platforms.


April JDD Editor Picks

Collagen Powder in Wound Healing
Penelope J. Kallis BS BA and Adam J. Friedman MD

Dihydroxyacetone: A Review
Taylor L. Braunberger MD, Amanda F. Nahhas DO, Linda M. Katz MD MPH, Nakissa Sadrieh PhD, and Henry W. Lim MDa

Dynamic Changes of Facial Supporting Cornerstones (Pillars): Considerations in Aesthetic Approach
Luiz Eduardo Toledo Avelar MD, Camila Eduardo de Paula Cazerta MD, Marcelo Neira Avè MD, and Danielle Ioshimoto Shitara MD PhD