Life post-residency is wonderful.
As a dermatologist, there are so many cool and exciting things we can do with our day. I’ve found that life in academic dermatology as a physician-scientist is especially rewarding. There are some challenges, especially when establishing your foundation. For me, finding the right personal balance at work between clinical and research is essential. The best tip is to figure out where you want to go and how you’d like your career to develop. And set out to achieve those goals. I have found that having a panel of mentors is helpful in guiding one along that path. There is always more work to be done at the end of they day, and having a “to accomplish list” and prioritizing that (putting patient care and grants first) is key. Working closely with your administrative support team is also important in accomplishing tasks. As an academician, I’ve found there to be many more meetings than I anticipated – most of them more useful than you’d imagined. Regarding work-life balance, it is important to take time to refresh one’s mind and body by maintaining friendships, hobbies, exercise and travel.