Verrucous Psoriasis: Rare Variant and Novel Treatment
Verrucous PsoriasisJDD authors Dimitra Xenopoulou MS, Christopher Pochat MS, and Evelyn Greco DO present the findings of a successful treatment for verrucous psoriasis.  CASE A 64-year-old female presented to the outpatient clinic for the evaluation of flaking and itchy lesions on her bilateral hands and feet that were present for several months and caused difficulty with activities of daily living. Inconsist …
Verrucous Psoriasis
Placement of High Dose Neurotoxins for Treatment-Resistant Rosacea
rosaceaRosacea is a chronic inflammatory skin condition characterized by facial flushing, erythema, telangiectasias, and papulopustular lesions. Treatment for rosacea includes limiting inciting factors and reducing inflammation with topical and oral therapies. Traditional therapies primarily focus on the papulopustular or background erythematotelangiectatic component of rosacea, leaving symptoms of flush …
Rituximab Therapeutic Cheat Sheet
RituximabRituximab was the first monoclonal antibody approved for cancer treatment and now in dermatology, this medication has been life-altering for patients with the severe, autoimmune blistering disease, pemphigus vulgaris. We continue our series, Therapeutic Cheat Sheet, with a closer look at rituximab, which is FDA-approved for the treatment of pemphigus vulgaris, and is also used off label for other …
Leukemia Cutis in Skin of Color
leukemia cutisThe various presentations of many dermatologic conditions among various skin types are slowly being elucidated throughout the recent years. These differences present as an issue as it leads to delayed diagnosis, treatment, and poorer quality of life. Herein, JDD authors  Susuana Adjei MD, et al.  present the characteristics of leukemia cutis in a skin of color patient with diagnosed chronic myel …
leukemia cutis
Friday Pop Quiz #222
The correct answer is D. Silica. The image shows a foreign body reaction with sarcoidal granulomas consistent with such a reaction. The presence of colorless, birifrigent crystals is most characteristic of silicosis. Aluminum and zirconium have no polarizable crystals, while sarcoidosis and gout have different presentations from a foreign body reaction. References Pimentel L, Barna …

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