JDD Buzz Series: Implicit Bias and Clinical Decision Making in Psoriasis
implicit biasDo implicit bias and race-compliance stereotyping impact clinical decision making in psoriasis? A feasibility study published in the February issue of the Journal of Drugs in Dermatology sought to answer this question. To learn more about the key findings and takeaways, I interviewed one of the authors, Rithu Srikantha, MD, associate professor of dermatology at the Feinberg School of Medicine/N …
implicit bias
JDD Buzz Series: Oral Minoxidil Shortages After Media Attention
MINOXIDILMedia attention about oral minoxidil has impacted access to the hair loss drug in the Washington, D.C. area, according to a study published in the January issue of the Journal of Drugs in Dermatology. Researchers found shortages of the drug in D.C.-area pharmacies more than a year after an article about the treatment appeared in The New York Times. To find out more about oral minoxidil access, …
Journal Buzz: Botulinum Toxin for Hidradenitis Suppurativa | The Expert Weighs In
botulinum toxinBotulinum toxin is a safe and potentially effective treatment alternative in hidradenitis suppurativa (HS) patients who are resistant to standard therapies, according to the authors of a systematic review published in the Journal of Drugs in Dermatology. How does this review add to the conversation about new treatments for HS? In which HS patients might dermatologists consider botulinum toxin as …
botulinum toxin
Hair Restoration in Black Patients | The Expert Weighs In
hair restorationAllure recently wrote an article about doctors who are making hair transplantation more accessible for Black patients. What are the unique challenges of hair restoration in Black patients, and which surgical and non-surgical approaches are most effective? To answer questions about hair restoration, I reached out to Shilpi Khetarpal, MD, FAAD, director of cosmetic dermatology and lasers at t …
hair restoration
Counseling Patients on Sunscreen Safety
sunscreenSeveral media outlets have covered benzene contamination in certain sunscreens, and Johnson & Johnson recently announced a recall of certain sunscreens due to benzene contamination. Should patients be concerned about the safety of the sunscreens they use, and how should dermatologists answer questions about sunscreen safety? I consulted two expert dermatologists: Dr. Amy McMichael, pr …

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