Skin Findings in COVID-19 Patients
Skin Findings in COVID-19 Patients The skin findings in COVID-19 patients include a morbilliform rash, urticaria, vesicular eruptions, acral lesions (COVID toes), livedoid eruptions, and other nonspecific skin findings. Skin findings of COVID-19 disease are similar to the cutaneous findings in other viral infections. Some of the skin findings are more commonly associated with COVID-19 infection than with other viruses sugg …
Skin Findings in COVID-19 Patients
Are Dermatologists Prepared to Treat COVID-19 Patients?
Dermatologists and COVID-19EPI Health has graciously supported the COVID-19 News and Resource Center. Allure recently posted an article on why dermatologists and plastic surgeons are preparing to join other medical professionals in the fight against COVID-19. Are dermatologists prepared to treat patients with contagious respiratory illness? For an expert opinion, I consulted dermatologist Sheila Farhang, MD, Mohs …
Dermatologists and COVID-19
Cosmetic Procedures for the Millennial Aesthetic Patient
Minimally Invasive Facial Cosmetic Procedures for the Millennial Aesthetic Patient Introduction In aesthetic medicine, millennials have emerged as one of the leading patient demographics seeking minimally invasive cosmetic procedures.1-3 Millennials, defined as the generation of individuals born between 1981 and 1996, have surpassed baby boomers as the largest living generation in the United States.4,5 Extending between the ages of 23 and 39, this group is comprised of indivi …
Minimally Invasive Facial Cosmetic Procedures for the Millennial Aesthetic Patient
Treating the Young Aesthetic Patient: Evidence-Based Recommendations
Aging through the decadesRecent speculation has indicated that it is rarely too early to begin aesthetic treatments.1 The growing demand for anti-aging in younger populations requires thoughtful and age-appropriate counseling for delivering preventions and interventions. The physiologic, age-related changes that occur with each decade of life may serve as a blueprint for when to start cosmetic treatments. Under 20 Phot …
Aging through the decades
Patient Questions: Be Prepared for What Your Patients May Ask
Dermatology newsDo you ever field odd-ball patient questions and wonder where the information they presented came from? The new “Patent Buzz” series addresses recent dermatology news from the consumer press and provides background on the conditions and treatments your patients may ask about at their next office visit. Allure: Do you need a face towel? Brides: Are gel nails safe? GMA: Skin tips …
Dermatology news

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