5 Ways to Make Pediatric Patients Feel Comfortable
pediatric patient1. Use child-friendly language. A blood pressure check could be “giving the arm a hug.” A swab could be a “silly tickle test.” 2. Biopsy ideas: Apply topical lidocaine under occlusion for 15-20 minutes before injection. Use buffered lidocaine (1:10 ratio of sodium bicarbonate to lidocaine). Suggestions for distraction: infants, use sweet-ease® sugar syrup on a pacifier; for o …
pediatric patient
ChatGPT’s Skincare Advice
ChatGTPPeople are using ChatGPT to write content as well as search the Internet. Now beauty influencers on TikTok are recommending ChatGPT as a way for people to receive personalized skincare advice. POPSUGAR recently asked dermatologist Dr. Michelle Henry to rate ChatGPT’s skincare responses. She found the advice was generally correct, but there were nuances and alternative treatments that ChatGPT did …
Mental Health Effects of Eczema | The Expert Weighs In
ECZEMASELF recently posted an article about the hidden mental health effects of eczema. How should dermatology clinicians approach their eczema patients about the mental impacts of this skin condition? When should a dermatologist refer to a mental health professional? For expert advice, I reached out to dermatologist and clinical psychologist Richard Fried, MD, PhD, clinical director of Yardley Derm …
Treating the “Ozempic Face” with Dermal Fillers
ozempic faceINSIDER recently posted an article on so-called "Ozempic Face" and the steps taken to treat a gaunt face after rapid weight loss. How common is “Ozempic Face,” and what’s the best way to treat it? What cautions should dermatologists keep in mind when treating patients who have experienced rapid weight loss? For expert advice, I reached out to Robyn Siperstein, MD, FAAD, a dermatologist …
ozempic face
The Link Between Acne and Sleep | The Expert Weighs In
acne and sleepAllure recently posted an article, "Is My Acne the Reason I Can't Sleep?" What does research say about a link between acne and sleep, and how should dermatologists counsel their acne patients about lifestyle factors? For expert advice, I reached out to Miami dermatologist Heather Woolery-Lloyd, MD, who is board certified in both dermatology and lifestyle medicine. Dr. Woolery-Lloyd spoke ab …
acne and sleep

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