Difficult Staff – Tips for Handling the Challenge
difficult staffDifficult Staff - One Challenge Among Many The day-to-day challenges that dermatologists face in the office setting can often be more challenging than providing the actual treatment to a patient. For example, staff attendance, training, interpersonal issues, monetary challenges, and compliance regulations are just a few examples of the many pieces of the complex puzzle. As many know, your staff c …
difficult staff
Confirm the Hand Biopsy Diagnosis! Pop Quiz Friday – 9/21!
Hand Biopsy koilocytesA 35 year old man presents with this lesion shown in the photo on his hand. The patient undergoes a hand biopsy for confirmation of the diagnosis. What finding is specific for this condition? Confirm the Hand Biopsy: A.) Wedge-shaped perivascular lymphocytic infiltrate with eosinophils. B.) Fibrinoid necrosis and leukocytoclasia C.) Collapsed keratin bundles. D.) Peforating elastin, …
Hand Biopsy koilocytes
A Dermatologist’s Foray into Writing
Dermatology writingEarly Interest and Experience Propelled My Dermatology Writing My trials and tribulations in writing first began in high school. I wrote a humor article in high school for our school newspaper. The experience was fun as I collected my thoughts, tried to be creative and work on my comedic stylings, and determined whether or not I could make others laugh. The feedback I received was satisfying and …
Dermatology writing
Hyperhidrosis Treatment Innovation using Radiofrequency Microneedling
Hyperhidrosis TreatmentJDD Podcast Recap & Ask the Investigator on Hyperhidrosis Treatment Innovation Hyperhidrosis represents a great clinical challenge: it can be debilitating for patients, and treatment options are few.  In this edition of the JDD Podcast, Dr. Adam Friedman interviews Dr. Suneel Chilukuri, aninternationally recognized procedural dermatologist and the Director of Cosmetic Surgery at Refresh Derm …
Hyperhidrosis Treatment
Ask a Mentor: Dr. Terrance Keaney
Building a Career in Cosmetics, Establishing a Private Practice, and the Approach to the Male Aesthetic Patient We are excited to announce another installment of our recurring series: Ask a Mentor. In this monthly segment, we identify an accomplished mentor in the field of Dermatology.  The mentor will  answer your questions about career development and their unique areas of expertise. …