The Fascinating World of Regenerative Medicine and Regenerative Anti- Aging
Regenerative The human body is equipped with fascinating pathways for inflammation and autoregulation self-healing. Newer advances and understanding in the field of cellular and stem cell science as well as biomaterial science have put forth a new and expanding branch of clinical medicine; Regenerative Medicine. Regenerative medicine concepts have newly picked up momentum not only in researching and establi …
The Skin Cancer Foundation’s 2018 Research Grants Awards Program
Skin Cancer FoundationThe Skin Cancer Foundation is now accepting applications for support of pilot research projects related to all types of skin cancer. Researchers are invited to submit applications for one-year projects to be conducted in the dermatology departments of medical institutions within the United States. With the help of generous donors, The Skin Cancer Foundation has funded more than $1.6 million in res …
Skin Cancer Foundation
Treating Skin of Color Patients
SkinofColor Dear Derm Authority: What are the more common complaints or maladies that you see in skin of color patients and what resources do you recommend for new practitioners who want expand their understanding of them? The US population is growing and evolving and the clinical profile of the average patient presenting to the dermatologist is changing. One in three Americans self-identify as member of a …
Meet Dr. Keaney – A Dermatologist’s Path to Opening a New Practice
KeaneyOfficePart I: Building Your “Team” When a physician says he is going “solo”, it could not be further from the truth.  Starting a new dermatology practice is a team effort, even when only one provider leads the charge.  A successful practice has a team working effectively and efficiently to ensure the caregiver can provide quality care while growing a financially successful business.  Just li …
What is new in digital marketing?
SEO Dear Derm Authority: What is new in digital marketing? There are some major changes that have come out recently in the world of digital marketing and social media that will assist with the promotion of your dermatology practice. Here is the breakdown: Facebook - Facebook now offers stories that disappear within 24 hours similar to those of Snapchat and Instagram.  This enables people to …