Pop Quiz #138
The correct answer is D. Minocycline-induced hyperpigmentation. This patient has minocyclin-induced hyperpigmentation. Hyperpigmentation is one of the most commonly observed side effects of minocycline and occurs regardless of dosage or treatment duration (although most often seen in patients after long-term treatment with the drug). Three distributions can be seen: Type I (blue-black pigme …
OnabotulinumtoxinA for Primary Axillary Hyperhidrosis | Therapeutic Cheat Sheet
OnabotulinumtoxinA for HyperhidrosisPrimary hyperhidrosis (PHH) is a dermatologic condition characterized by overactivity of eccrine glands resulting in excessive sweating primarily affecting the palms, soles, axillae, and craniofacial area. PHH is not caused by other conditions, whereas secondary hyperhidrosis is caused by an underlying medical condition or medication side effect. Botulinum toxin injections are often used as second …
OnabotulinumtoxinA for Hyperhidrosis
Patient Buzz Series: Celebrity Bathing Debate
bathing debateThis month’s Patient Buzz includes several articles that raise the question: How often should we bathe? The celebrity bathing debate started when Jake Gyllenhaal revealed in an interview that he doesn’t bathe often. Mila Kunis and Ashton Kutcher also announced that they only bathe their kids when visibly dirty. Don’t be caught off guard when your patients ask about the celebrity bathing d …
bathing debate
It’s Mnemonic Monday! Sesquiterpene Lactones
Sesquiterpene LactonesOn this Mnemonic Monday, we challenge you to remember plants producing the allergen sesquiterpene lactone with the following mnemonic: SAD CHrissy FARtS Dandelions and Marigolds S- Sesquiterpene lactones A- Asteraceae D- Daisy Ch- Chrysanthemum, Chamomile F- Feverfew A- Artichoke R- Ragweed (t) S- Sunflower Dandelions and Marigolds Remember that this allergen cross-reacts wit …
Sesquiterpene Lactones
ANSWER: Sesquiterpene Lactones
The correct answer is D. Permethrin Correct Answer Explanation Patients with allergies to plants in the Asteraceae or Compositae family (chrysanthemum, ragweed, sunflower, artichoke, arnica, daisy, and marigold) should not be given permethrin, as it may cross react. The relevant potential allergen is sesquiterpene lactone. Incorrect Answer Explanation The remaining answer choices will …

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