Hyperhidrosis: Available Treatments and New Innovations
HyperhidrosisWhat is Hyperhidrosis (HH)? Primary HH is defined as excessive, bilateral, and generally symmetrical sweating at abnormal levels unprompted by activity or environment. Hyperhidrosis is characterized by abnormal sweating beyond what is needed for thermoregulation. It is not a normal physiologic response. Nearly 15 million people in the United States suffer from hyperhidrosis and half of thos …
Glycopyrronium Tosylate Cloth for Hyperhidrosis Therapeutic Cheat Sheet
Qbrexza Therapeutic Cheat SheetHyperhidrosis affects approximately 4.8% of the U.S. population1 and causes patients significant psychosocial distress. Patients are looking to maximize non-invasive treatment options while avoiding systemic side effects. We continue our series, Therapeutic Cheat Sheet, with a closer look at glycopyrronium tosylate cloths. [caption id="attachment_11862" align="alignleft" width="1934"] Click ima …
Qbrexza Therapeutic Cheat Sheet
Hyperhidrosis Pop Quiz!
Hyperhidrosis pop quizNovember is Hyperhidrosis Awareness Month! Let's test your knowledge with a quick pop quiz! Which of the following negative impacts are reported by those who suffer from hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating)? A: Skin infections1 B: Physical discomfort2 C: Avoidance of public view, handshakes, and other forms of touch (pre-COVID-19, of course)2 D: Greater prevalence of depression and/or …
Hyperhidrosis pop quiz
ABCs of Hyperhidrosis Diagnosis
Hyperhidrosis Awareness MonthWe kick off Hyperhidrosis Awareness Month with a look at the ABCs of Hyperhidrosis Diagnosis: There are two types of hyperhidrosis (Hh): primary and secondary. Secondary Hh is sweating that is caused by or is a symptom of another underlying medical condition or is a side effect of a medication. Ruling out secondary hyperhidrosis (or responding to secondary Hh appropriately) is the first step …
Hyperhidrosis Awareness Month
Updates & Practical Pearls on Hyperhidrosis
hyperhidrosisHyperhidrosis,  an extremely prevalent disease affecting about 15 million Americans and 365 million people worldwide, is equally matched by impact and burden on quality of life. Identifying these patients and making them know that this is a true medical problem can be absolutely life-altering. Next Steps in Derm, in partnership with ODAC Dermatology, Aesthetic and Surgical Conference intervie …

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