JDD April Issue Highlights and Editor Picks
JDD logoBelow are the issue highlights and Editor Picks for the April issue of JDD! An Acne Survey from the World’s Largest Annual Gathering of Twins surveys a cohort of identical and fraternal twins to identify environmental factors that may influence acne severity. Dihydroxyacetone: A Review reviews the literature and widespread use of DHA as an ingredient in sunless tanning products. I …
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Codes for Procedures
Medical Coding\Part 2 of 2 in a series Biopsies One of the most common codes you will use in dermatology is for skin biopsy. In most cases, you should use 11100 for the first biopsy (shave or punch) and 11101 for each additional biopsy. For example, if you perform five biopsies you would bill 11100 and 11101 with a quantity of four for a total of five. When shouldn’t you use these codes? - Use shave remo …
Medical Coding

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